Đọc thêm Mua_bán_và_sáp_nhập

  • DePamphilis, Donald (2008). Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities. New York: Elsevier, Academic Press. tr. 740. ISBN 978-0-12-374012-0
  • Cartwright, Susan; Schoenberg, Richard (2006). “Thirty Years of Mergers and Acquisitions Research: Recent Advances and Future Opportunities”. British Journal of Management 17 (S1): S1–S5. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2006.00475.x.  Chú thích sử dụng tham số |coauthors= bị phản đối (trợ giúp)
  • Harwood, I. A. (2006). “Confidentiality constraints within mergers and acquisitions: gaining insights through a 'bubble' metaphor”. British Journal of Management 17 (4): 347–359. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2005.00440.x
  • Straub, Thomas (2007). Reasons for frequent failure in Mergers and Acquisitions: A comprehensive analysis. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag. ISBN 9783835008441
  • Vuong, Quan-Hoang và đồng nghiệp (2010). “M&A Market in Vietnam's Transition Economy” (PDF). The Journal of Economic Policy and Research 5 (1): 1–54.  Bảo trì CS1: Định rõ "và đồng nghiệp" (link)
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